Bachelor of Humanities
The Bachelor of Humanities educates multi-purpose professionals within the framework of human and social sciences, introduces the students to human experience based on multiple disciplines and provides a solid base of knowledge in subjects such as literature, history, philosophy, sociology, music and the cinema. The students can thus adapt to different work environments in the field of humanistic education, management, cultural creation and the contemporary world.
The Bachelor of Humanities is evaluated and accredited by the AQUA (Andorran Agency for the Quality of Higher Education), which ensures its quality and European recognition. Students who pass these courses can obtain a Bachelor of Humanities, a state qualification issued by the Andorran Government.
European level:
EHEA’s first cycle
online, in partnership with the UOC
Credit load:
180 European credits
6 semesters
Start in September or February
Joan Dias (
New curriculum approved in 2019 that updates the academic programme in line with the evolution of society.
A new study programme approved in 2019 that renews and updates the academic programme in keeping with the evolution of society.
The qualification, which is offered in partnership with the UOC (Open University of Catalonia), is adapted to bachelor’s degree studies (3 academic years) and includes specific contents on Andorra to understand its historical and cultural reality.
The possibility of obtaining the UdA-UOC double degree with the completion of 66 additional credits.
The education includes subjects to perfect English and French and to reinforce the student’s communicative competences in these languages.
The online modality of this qualification can be suited to each student’s lifestyle and allows them to combine studies and professional activity.
Applicants must hold one of the following qualifications:
- Andorran high school diploma
- Andorran Advanced Professional Diploma
- Access test to higher education for people aged over 25
Or an equivalent qualification, recognised by Government of Andorra.
Students who obtain the Bachelor of Humanities at the University of Andorra will be able to obtain the following competences, among others:
- To analyse and critically interpret historical and current socio-cultural transformations.
- To understand the socio-cultural transformations of current-day Andorra.
- To recognise the cultural tradition itself in its complexity.
- To recognise and interpret the complexity of cultural diversity.
- To recognise and interpret Andorran cultural heritage.
- To acquire skills to interpret reality from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
- To understand the inter-relationships between culture, science and technology.
- To identify and understand the processes of social reproduction and transformation in human interactions.
- To analyse and critically comment on literary works, relating them to their social and cultural environments and identifying influences within their context, as well as connections between literature and other cultural manifestations.
- To analyse and interpret academic texts and their professional sphere: to summarise information from different oral, written and material sources, reconstruct facts and arguments and present ideas.
- To use well-known languages at different levels for communicative purposes. To participate satisfactorily in inter-cultural interaction.
- To acquire critical and self-critical thinking skills.
- To acquire capacities for written communication in a reflective and argumentative manner and also in a virtual environment.
- To acquire analytical and synthesis-based skills.
- To offer new perspectives in the resolution of problems and challenges in the professional field.
- To define cultural projects and initiatives, organise events and interpret institutional and cultural policies by means of organisational, economic, legal and marketing management.
The study programme of the Bachelor of Humanities includes 180 European credits, all of them compulsory.
This study programme is offered in partnership with the UOC (Open University of Catalonia). The teaching of most of the subjects (150 European credits) is conducted in the UOC’s virtual learning platform, except for the specific subjects on Andorra (30 European credits), which are taught in the University of Andorra’s virtual learning platform.
The specific subjects on Andorra are:
- Andorran Communicative Environment
- Language and literature in Andorra and the Pyrenees
- Economic History of Contemporary Andorra
- Cultural heritage of Andorra
- End-of-degree thesis
SEMESTERS | SUBJECTS (taught in Catalan) | CREDITS | TOTAL |
1 | The Ancient World | 6 | 30 |
Language, Culture and Society | 6 | ||
Economic History of Contemporary Andorra | 6 | ||
Technology Applied to Human and Social Sciences | 6 | ||
Modern Language I: English / Modern Language I: French | 6 | ||
2 | Classical Philosophy | 6 | 30 |
Introduction to Art History | 6 | ||
The Classic World | 6 | ||
The medieval World | 6 | ||
Modern Language II: English / Modern Language II: French | 6 | ||
3 | Cinema History | 6 | 30 |
Introduction to European literature | 6 | ||
Music History | 6 | ||
Social and cultural Anthropology | 6 | ||
The Modern World | 6 | ||
4 | Andorran Cultural Heritage | 6 | 30 |
Humanism and Posthumanism | 6 | ||
The Present World | 6 | ||
Themes of Universal Literature | 6 | ||
Modern Philosophy | 6 | ||
5 | Sociology | 6 | 30 |
Gender and Society | 6 | ||
Art Aesthetics and Theory | 6 | ||
Ethics and Political Philosophy | 6 | ||
Academic Writing | 6 | ||
6 | Theory of Culture | 6 | 30 |
Contemporany World | 6 | ||
Degree Final Project | 6 | ||
Andorran Communicative Environment | 6 | ||
Language and literature in Andorra and the Pyrenees | 6 | ||
Total | 180 |
Director of the College of eLearning and Lifelong Learning: Montserrat Casalprim Ramonet
Bachelor’s degree tutor: Joan Dias (
The Bachelor of Humanities educates multi-purpose professionals capable of suitably conducting activity in different fields related to culture in today’s society.
The Bachelor of Humanities offers a wide range of career opportunities within the cultural sector. We live in a society that requires versatile professionals technically and humanly qualified to take on jobs in areas such as:
- Cultural creation and the contemporary world
- Humanistic education
- Cultural management
This bachelor provides access to second cycle studies (master’s degrees) in the countries in the European Higher Education Area.
This bachelor, with 66 additional credits, allows students to obtain the qualification of the corresponding Spanish degree of the Open University of Catalonia, provided that the requirements for access to the qualifications of the Spanish State are met.
Pre-enrolment from November to January and from March to August.
Study programme publication (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra):
- Decret 567/2022, del 28-12-2022, pel qual s’aprova la modificació del pla d’estudis del bàtxelor en Humanitats de la Universitat d’Andorra
- Decret del 13-03-2019 d’aprovació del pla d’estudis del bàtxelor en Humanitats de la Universitat d’Andorra