The University of Andorra, the only state university of the country, responds to the needs of higher education, research and transfer in line with the great challenges of today’s society and in particular with the needs of Andorra. It focuses on offering personalised attention to the students and encourages lifelong learning. Its main asset is the staff and the University promotes its development. It is innovative, especially regarding its educational model. It constitutes an international, open and participative space that promotes debate with a critical and independent spirit.
- Personalised attention and student integration
- Quality and excellence
- Rigour and honesty
- Transparency and sustainability
- Creativity and innovation
- Critical spirit
- Diversity and democracy
- Transversality
Strategic Priorities
The University of Andorra bases its fundamental purpose on four strategic priorities that have set the objectives for the 2018-2024 period.
- Teaching and learning
- Research and transfer
- Society and governance
- Internationalisation