Enrolment prices
The enrolment fees (price per credit) for the official education taught at the University of Andorra are established each year by the Andorran Government and published in the BOPA (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra).
For online official studies taught in partnership with the UOC, it is also necessary to include the cost of the teaching materials and the fees associated with the enrolment.
Payment options
The payment for enrolment on the official education degrees can be divided if the student enrols for a minimum of 15 credits.
The country’s banking entities offer special financing conditions for the enrolment fees of students at the University of Andorra:
Enrolment discounts
Large family discount
Students who form part of a large family can enjoy a 50% discount on their enrolment and registration fees for the University of Andorra’s official studies. To request the deduction students must submit the card issued by the Andorran Governemennt or, in the case of non-residents, a document that certifies the above recognised by the Andorran Government.
Single parent family discount
Students who form part of a single parent family can enjoy a 50% discount on their enrolment and registration fees for the University of Andorra’s official studies. To request the deduction students must submit the card issued by the Andorran Governemennt or, in the case of non-residents, a document that certifies the above recognised by the Andorran Government.
Discount for honours qualifications
The University of Andorra recognises the final honours qualification (or an equivalent mention) of the baccalaureate studies (or equivalent) of the students from the three education systems provided in Andorra (the Andorran, Spanish and French systems). This recognition is reflected in a 100% discount on the price of the credits of the first year of the official education, up to a maximum of 60 credits.
Similarly, the UdA rewards the obtaining of one or several honours qualifications by an official education student with a full discount on the amount of the next enrolment, provided that they enrol on the same study plan. This discount will be equivalent to the amount of the credits with which they have obtained the mention of an honours qualification.
For further information on the procedures related to enrolment and to view the different cases in which extra charges are applied, check the Student Guide (in Catalan).
Mobility grants
In addition, the University of Andorra has a grants policy to promote the mobility of its students:
- Grants for compulsory internship stays (information in Catalan)
- Grants for international mobility (information in Catalan)
Scholarships and grants from the Government
The Andorran Government offers grants for study in the field of higher education, which it awards upon the basis of a means test, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on study grants (9/2014). The calls for grants for DPAs (Advanced Professional Diploma), first and second cycle courses (bachelor’s and master’s degrees) and third cycle studies (doctorates) are published in the BOPA (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra).
Other grants
The University of Andorra also awards grants for researchers, for UdA master’s degree tuition and for international cooperation (information in Catalan).