The IT Services of the University of Andorra ensure the proper functioning and security of all the computer and communications infrastructure used by the university community. The staff and students access all the UdA computer services via a single username and password.
The IT services available to the university community are as follows:
- Recovery and change of password (
- Email ( All UdA members have access to the mailbox (with 500 MB capacity) on an indefinite basis, even after the completion of their studies. More information in Catalan
- Virtual Campus ( More information
- File server: enrolled students can access a private folder to store files (with 1GB capacity). More information in Catalan
- Certifying authority of the University of Andorra: this body issues security certificates so that the communication between the user and the University is more secure and no third party can view the communication data. More information in Catalan
- Remote VPN access: The on-campus and doctoral candidates have remote access to the university network via a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection. More information in Catalan
- Wireless network: The University of Andorra provides access to a wireless network for members of the university community (via their credentials), as well as limited access for guests. More information in Catalan
- Eduroam network: The University of Andorra is part of the international Eduroam project, a wireless network initiative led by Terena that facilitates the mobility of the university communities of the different participating organizations. Thus, any member of the university community, be it a student, a member of the teaching staff or a member of the administration and services staff, can connect to the wireless network of another centre assigned to Eduroam simply by using the username and password provided by the University of Andorra. More information in Catalan
- Contacts and calendars (