At the beginning of their studies, all the students taking official studies at the University of Andorra receive the UdA Card, which identifies them as members of the university community. The UdA Card also allows the use of the library services (University Communal Library), the use of Cub Study Room (prior authorisation), as well as enjoying the benefits of the European Student Card, and the benefits and discounts offered by around forty companies and commercial establishments. The University of Andorra keeps an updated list of all the offers compiled to date (available on Virtual Campus).
The facilities of the Comú de Sant Julià de Lòria (the local council) also offer discounts within their partnership agreement with the UdA. Therefore, students can obtain a special pass to use LAUesport, the Sports Centre in Sant Julià de Lòria, they have a 50% discount on Naturland activities, and can park at Les Feixes del Rabató parking with a special pass (more information at the Sant Julià de Lòria Parking Service, T. 842493). Moreover, they have special discounts to park (for 1 or 3 months) at the blue street parking areas via Paymeter application.
The UdA also offers several grants and discounts on the enrolment fees and its students can benefit from special conditions at different banks in the country. More information about discounts and grants
Job Bank
Students have a job bank where the occupational offers received by the University are collected. This platform also offers the possibility of accessing job offers from other countries that fit the user profile, as well as getting detailed information on the characteristics of companies from all over the world that are seeking to expand their team.