The Ombudsman of the University of Andorra (Defensor dels Drets i els Deures in Catalan) is the body responsible for guaranteeing the effective exercise of the rights and duties of the members of the university community (students, teaching staff, research personnel and administrative and technical staff).
Its actions are always designed to improve the quality of the university in all its areas, it is not subject to the binding mandate of any university authority and it is governed by the principles of independence and autonomy.
The Ombudsman is elected and appointed by a five-member committee made up of two representative members of the students on the University Council, one of the two member representatives of the teaching staff on the University Council, a member of the administrative and technician staff of the University of Andorra (chosen by this collective) and a representative of the governing bodies of the University of Andorra, appointed by the Academic Board.
The Ombudsman is currently Ms Rosa M. Mandicó, who was appointed on 25 June 2021 for a period of four years.
Her email address is