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Inclusion and support

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The University of Andorra (UdA) is a higher education institution committed to ensuring the rights protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

As an inclusive institution open to society and the debate of ideas, UdA has a diverse, cohesive, and integrated university community that actively participates in the governance of the institution. Personalized support for students and inclusion are the values that lead its Strategic Model.

Everyone has the right to receive the attention and resources necessary for their learning process. That is why both equity and social justice must be present in the governance and daily activities of the University, to guarantee the rights of individuals, diversity, and promote the values of democratic culture. Inclusive education ensures access to teaching while fostering tolerance, diversity, and mutual respect. In an inclusive environment, all students have the opportunity to learn together, sharing the experiences and values provided by attending the University.

For this reason, UdA has an Inclusivity Plan and the Student and Staff Support Service (SAEP).

What is SAEP?

The Student and Staff Support Service (SAEP) is an orientation space within the university community that offers support and guidance for the integration of individuals with special educational needs (SEN), disabilities, and those requiring psychological support through the SOC, as well as support for individuals with psychosocial needs or vulnerabilities that may hinder or impede their academic and/or professional continuity, thereby ensuring an accessible educational experience for all.

The SAEP primarily acts as an intermediary between individuals facing difficulties and the available support services in the country. In this regard, the SAEP collaborates with various departments of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Youth, and Equality, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Government of Andorra.

To provide socio-educational and cultural responses, the SAEP is organized into five main areas:

  1. Support for individuals with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
  2. Support for individuals with disabilities.
  3. Support for individuals with psychological orientation issues (SOC).
  4. Support for individuals with social needs.
  5. Support for health and occupational safety issues.

How can the SAEP assist you?

In addition to working towards the elimination of architectural and sensory barriers, with the aim of ensuring equal opportunities for all members of the university community, UdA also strives to make all teaching activities inclusive. This translates not only into tutorial support and the adoption of inclusive teaching methodologies but also into the possibility of making educational adaptations for students with disabilities and applying inclusive measures for students with special educational needs (SEN).

The SAEP offers the following services:

  • Personalized attention through scheduled interviews with an expert.
  • Resources for academic activities in both face-to-face and virtual classrooms.
  • Support measures for individuals with SEN and disabilities.
  • Psychological guidance.
  • Support tools that enable individuals to improve their quality of life, increase personal autonomy, and achieve inclusion.
  • Assistance with inquiries from faculty regarding adaptations made for students.

SAEP Application Procedure: The Interview

Interested individuals should send a message to the email address of the Student and Staff Support Service:

The SAEP will schedule an interview with the interested individual and an expert. The aim is to design ad hoc support measures for each person. On the day of the interview, the applicant must bring printed updated medical documentation that certifies their situation. Individuals with disabilities must provide their updated CONAVA certification.

In the case of an unforeseen need arising after the program has started, support measures can be requested during the course of the training program.

By signing the support measures, the interested individual acquires the rights and responsibilities to make good use of them.

At the beginning of each program, the coordinators of each degree will inform the faculty to apply the support measures for the student and ensure their guidance.

The support measures are reviewed throughout the studies via follow-up interviews.

For more information, you can consult the Inclusivity Plan of the University of Andorra.

How to contact the SAEP

  • In person:
    • At the office of the SAEP coordinator: Cristina Yáñez.
    • At the offices of the coordinators of the different degree programs: Montserrat Aldomà, Montserrat Casalprim, Celia Guitian, Lorena Jordana, Montserrat Pellicer, Carles Porté, Gemma Ribera, Jan Sau or Alexandra Saz.
  • By phone: Ask for any of the individuals mentioned above at the phone number +376 743 000.
  • By email:

Orientation and Coaching Service (SOC)

Aimed at the entire university community to promote emotional well-being, the SOC, which is part of the SAEP, offers members of the university community attention and support in the areas of orientation and coaching to address issues related to emotional stability, academic or work performance, or coexistence. This free service includes a maximum of three hours of support per academic year for each person, to be allocated as agreed upon between the service and the user.

The types of issues addressed by the SOC include the following:

  • Coaching and mediation
  • Anxiety-depressive states that may require external referral
  • Adjustment disorders that may require external referral
  • Reactive anxiety in relational situations
  • Stress related to academic or professional situations

Individuals interested in scheduling an appointment with the SOC can do so by emailing the SAEP ( , or they can contact the SOC directly at (