The University Council is the highest pluripersonal authority of the University of Andorra. It is composed of the Rector, two representatives of the General Administration (Government of Andorra), two representatives of the teaching staff, two representatives of the students, a representative of the administrative and technical staff, a representative of the business and professional sectors, and a representative of the private entities that cooperate with the University.
University Council
Rector (president of the University Council):
- Mr Juli Minoves Triquell
Representatives of the General Administration:
- Mr Ladislau Baró Solà
- Ms Helena Mas Santuré
Representatives of the teaching staff:
- Ms. Nadia Azzouz Boudadi
- Ms. Sònia Gili Moneo (suplent)
- Mr. Ferran Dachs Cadefau
- Ms. Lorena Jordana Carmona (suplent)
Representative of the administrative and technical staff:
- Mr. David Varela Hernandez
- Mr. Marc Bleda Bejar (suplent)
Representatives of the students:
- Mr. Joel Aarón Castillo Diaz
- Mr. Erik Nicolas Capella Perez (suplent)
- Mr. Isaac Cabases Sistere
- Ms. Paula Tardiu Caramés (suplent)
Representative of the business and professional sectors:
- Ms Sònia Baixench Marco
Representative of the persons or private entities who cooperate with the University of Andorra:
- Mr Francesc Xavier Cornella Castel
General Manager
- Ms Maria d’Urgell Sansa Call
Direction of Colleges
- College of Health and Education Sciences: Ms Virginia Larraz Rada
- College of Business and Technology: Mr Josep Fortó Areny
- College of eLearning and Lifelong Learning: Ms Montserrat Casalprim Ramonet