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Research Group in Health Sciences and Health Services

The Research Group in Health Sciences and Health Services (GRCS from Catalan) is a multidisciplinary group of professionals from different disciplines and institutions linked to the University of Andorra. It was created in 2008, and integrates a group of medical doctors from different specialties, pharmacists, chemists, biologists and nurses with a solid background in research.

GRCS’s mission is to create and transfer scientifically valid and socially relevant knowledge in biomedical and health services issues.

The GRCS intended to be a research group link to the university, respected by the international scientific community and to contribute to decision making in the field of health services in Andorra.

The GRCS is a response to the need to provide and process good quality information that helps in strategic decisions in different areas of Health Sciences and Health Services in Andorra, especially in the scientific field taking into account professional, social and political issues.


GRCS General objectives:

  • To create and transfer scientifically valid and socially relevant knowledge in biomedical and health services issues.
  • To develop research focused on patient outcomes in Andorra.
  • To provide research specific knowledge and methodologies and to increase community participation.
  • To become a source of information that helps strategic decisions making in different areas of Health Sciences and Health Services in Andorra, especially in the scientific field taking professional, social and political issues into consideration.
  • To collaborate with all organizations involved in Andorra and to promote a Collaborative Research Network in Andorra.
  • To produce reports based on the best information available and to develop proposals or recommendations in different topics involved in the decision-making process.


Mercè Avellanet Viladomat – ORCID

European board-certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician. MD. PhD.  Corporal damage assessment and medical expertise.Master. Master in Bioethics. Member of the European Academy of Rehabiltation Medicine.


Elvira Gea Rodríguez – ORCID

Pharmacy Doctor. Hospital Pharmacy and Primary Care Specialist . PhD. Diploma in Ophthalmic Optics and Acoustics Audiometric. CAP Sciences. Master in Pharmaceutical Oncology. Master in Pharmacy Services.


sara esque

Sara Esqué Boldú – ORCID

Doctora en infermeria, Universitat d’Andorra. Màster en Tecnologia Educativa: e-learning i gestió del coneixement, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Diplomatura en infermeria, Universitat d’Andorra

E.-Pages bn

Esther Pagés Bolibar

Doctora en Medicina. Llicenciada en Medicina i Cirurgia, UAB. European Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Beques del Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias de la Seguridad Social” nº 93/5229. (FIS). 1992 – 1993. I Beca FIS nº PI081212. 2008

Gemma Ribera Llonc   ORCID

Doctora en química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2004)

Llicenciatura en Química, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (1999)

meritxell ros

Meritxell Ros Armengol

Speech Therapist. Specialised in Dysphagia.

PhD students:

Anna Boada Pladellorens ORCID

Llicenciada en Medicina i Cirurgia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Especialista en Medicina Física i Rehabilitació.

Títol tesi: Medicina regenerativa: Tractament de l’artrosi amb teràpia cel·lular. Directores: Anna Veiga Lluch i Mercè Avellanet Viladomat.

pol comellas bn

Pol Comellas Sáenz ORCID

Màster en psicologia social, Universitat Complutense, Madrid (2020)

Llicenciat en psicologia, Universitat de Barcelona (2019)

carlota-demiguel bn

Carlota de Miguel ORCID

Master in Telemedicine

Diploma in Nursing

Research interests:

  1. Patterns of drug use as a starting point to reach a rational utilization of drugs.
  2. Patient safety.
  3. Health technology assessment.
  4. Health promotion.

Apart from these particular research interests, we are commited to research dynamization in the Andorran area within issues related to GRCS.

Current projects 

Orphan drugs and rare diseases. Prevalence in Andorra.

Drug safety for specific population:

  • Off labels use in Andorra
  • Dysphagia

Normali values for knee isokinetic dynamometer in Andorran population. Evaluta

Postural garment evaluation

Digital Health and health care processes reengineering

Conferences, congresses, articles and books


  • De Miguel, C., Gea, E. & Garcia-cuyas, F. (2023). Utilidad de la app Abeona Health® para la participación del paciente
    en la identificación de toxicidad inducida por quimioterapia según la clasificación CTCAE. Revista ESpañola de Salud Pública, 97. 
  • De Miguel , C., Gea, E. & Garcia-Cuyas , F.  (2023). Quality of the abeona health app according to the onco-haematology patientin the Principality of Andorra: Preliminary results, 20-24 october, Madrid, ESMO Congress
  • Suputtitada, A., Avellanet, M. & Winston, P. (2023). Editorial: Emerging concepts and evidence in novel approaches for spasticity management. Front Rehabil Sci 2023;4:1327346.
  • Magaña, JC., Deus, CM., Baldellou, L., Avellanet, M., Gea-Rodríguez, E., Enriquez-Calzada, S., Laguna, A., Martínez-Vicente, M., Hernández-Vara, J., Giné-Garriga, M., Pereira, SP. & Montane, J. (2023). Investigating the impact of physical activity on mitochondrial function in Parkinson’s disease (PARKEX): Study protocol for A randomized controlled clinical trial. PLoS One 22;18(11):e0293774. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293774 PMID: 37992028; PMCID: PMC10664890.
  • Avellanet, M. & Rapidi, CA. (2023). Editorial: Women in science: strengthening rehabilitation in health systems. Front Rehabil Sci 4;4:1221798. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2023.1221798. PMID: 37469852; PMCID: PMC10353311
  • Gea Rodriguez, E. & De Miguel Barbero, C. (2023). Acercando la Salud Digital al paciente oncohematologico: enfoque de farmacia hospitalaria. Jornadas nacionales: Laboratorio de ideas de Farma Impulso OH Oncohematología. Madrid, febrero
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Veiga, A., Pagès-Bolibar, E. & Grillo C. (2023). Osteoarthritis in people over 16: diagnosis and management – updated summary of NICE guidance. Letter to the editor. Rapid response. BMJ;380: p24
  • González-Viejo, MA., Avellanet, M., Boada-Pladellorens, A., Montesinos-Magraner, L., Jaúregui-Abrisqueta, ML., Bárbara-Bataller, E., Méndez-Ferrer, B., Sánchez-Raya, J., Cívicos, N., Méndez-Suarez, JL. & Barrera-Chacón, JM. (2023). International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey: Socioeconomic and Healthcare Satisfaction in Spain. Global Spine J, Jun 16:21925682231183972. doi: 10.1177/21925682231183972
  • Avellanet, M., Pages, E. & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2023). Reluctant diabetic chronic wounds and focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy: a case series. 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Avellanet, M., Pages, E., Gea, E., Ros, M. & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2023). Training as a strategy to improve care for patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Pages, E., Veiga, A. & Farras, JA. (2023). Stromal vascular fraction treatment for knee osteoarthritis: preliminary results. 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Pages, E. & Farras, JA. (2023). Is stromal vascular fraction a treatment option for tendon injuries? a case report. 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Avellanet, M., Mena, A., Pages, E. & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2023). Exercise versus postural garment for cervical pain: a multicenter randomized cross-over trial. 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Pages, E., Chaler, J., Avellanet, M., Anasetti, F., Boada-Pladellorens, A., Arienti, C. & Kiekens, C. (2023). Does ICF linking identify properly outcome measures in lower limb musculoskeletal conditions? 15th Mediterranean Congress of Physical and Rehabiltation Medicine, Rome 6-8 juliol
  • Comellas, P., Esqué, S & Juvinyà, D. (2023). La Universidad como entorno promotor de la salud: un estudio de caso sobre la dialéctica entre la teoría y la práctica. VII ENJIE – Encontro Nacional de Jovens Investigadores em Educação, 3-4 fevereiro. P 198-199. Disponible a
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Veiga, A., & Pagés-Bolibar, E. (2023). Microfragmented Adipose Tissue versus Platelet-Rich Plasma for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: Letter to the Editor. The American journal of sports medicine51(2), NP5–NP6. DOI: 1177/03635465221142322


  • Gea, E., De Miguel, C., Avellanet, M. & Garcia-Cuyas, F. (2022). Bringing m-Health to the oncological patient: a Pharmacy Hospital approach. 2022 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Las Vegas NV, December 4-8
  • Avellanet, M., Boada, A. & Pages, E. (2022). Evaluation of the efficacy of stromal vascular fraction treatment for knee osteoarthritis: preliminary results of an experimental study. ISPRM 2022 World Congress, Lisboa, July
  • Avellanet, M., Pages, E., Boada, A. & Gea, E. (2022). Prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19: One-year Follow-Up. ISPRM 2022 World Congress, Lisboa, July
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Pages-Bolibar, E., & Veiga, A. (2022). Stromal vascular fraction therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease14, 1759720X221117879. DOI: 10.1177/1759720X221117879
  • Gea, E., Palmitjavila, L., Avellanet, M., Pagès, E & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2022). Exposición a medicamentos asociados a disfagia en pacientes de edad avanzada con disfagia orofaringea instaurada. 37 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Enteral y Parenteral -SENPE. Granada, 18-20 mayo
  • Avellanet, M., Boada, A. & Pages, E. (2022). Evaluation of the efficacy of stromal vascular fraction treatment for knee osteoarthritis: preliminary results of an experimental study. ISPRM 2022 World Congress, Lisboa, July
  • Avellanet, M., Pages, E., Boada, A. & Gea, E. (2022). Prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19: One-year Follow-Up. ISPRM 2022 World Congress, Lisboa, July
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Pages-Bolibar, E., & Veiga, A. (2022). Stromal vascular fraction therapy for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease14, 1759720X221117879. DOI: 10.1177/1759720X221117879
  • Gea, E., Avellanet, M., Ros, M., Pagès, E & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2022). Prevalencia de disfagia orofaríngea en pacientes COVID-19 ingresados en cuidados intensivos. 37 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Nutricion Rnteral y Parenteral -SENPE. Granada, 18-20 mayo
  • De Miguel, C., Avellanet, M., Gea, E & García Cuyàs F. (2022). Análisis descriptivo de las aplicaciones móviles del registro y seguimiento de los efectos adversos de los antineoplásicos según la metodología de evaluación del iSYSCore y de la Fundación Tic Salut Social. Rev Esp Salud Pública , 96(14) 14 de enero e1-18. Available to:
  • Avellanet, M., Gea, E & Ros, M. (2022). Per què parlem de la disfàgia orofaríngia? Butlletí UdA, 177. Available to:


  • Avellanet, M., Boada-Pladellorens, A., Pages, E., Dorca, A., Sabria, B., Pfeifer, M., & Gea, E. (2021). A Comparative Study of a Novel Postural Garment Versus Exercise for Women with Nonspecific Cervical Pain: A Randomized Cross-over Trial. Spine46(22), 1517–1524. DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004123
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Jaén Manzanera, À., Bertran Garcia, E., Abril Carreras, À., Salvador Alarcón, G., & Martínez Pardo, S. (2021). Eficacia de la magnetoterapia en artrosis erosiva de manos. Un ensayo clínico [Efficacy of magnetotherapy in hand erosive osteoarthritis. A clinical trial]. Rehabilitacion55(3), 175–182. DOI: 10.1016/j.rh.2020.06.001


  • Stucki, G., Bickenbach, J., Kiekens, C., Negrini, S., Stam, H. J., & The European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (2020). Reflections of the European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine on the first global estimates of the need for rehabilitation and the implications for physical and rehabilitation medicine. Journal of rehabilitation medicine52(12), jrm00131. DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2784
  • González, MA., Avellanet, M., Montesinos, L., Rojas, K., Launois, P & Perrot, JC. (2020). Validación al español de la versión en inglés del Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction score (NBD score) en pacientes con lesión neurológica de origen central. Medicina Clínica; 157 (8), 361-367 DOI: 10.1016/j.medcli.2020.06.058
  • Post MW., Reinhardt, JD., Avellanet, M., Escorpizo, R., Engkasan. JP & Schwegler, U & Schedin, A. (2020). Employment Among People With Spinal Cord Injury in 22 Countries Across the World: Results From the International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation, 101(12), 2157-2166. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2020.05.027
  • Fekete, C., Brach, M., Ehrmann, C., Post, M. W. M., InSCI, & Stucki, G. (2020). Cohort Profile of the International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey Implemented in 22 Countries. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation101(12), 2103–2111. DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2020.01.022
  • Avellanet, M., Boada-Pladellorens, A & Pagés-Bolibar E. (2020). Rehabilitación en época de confinamiento. Rehabilitación, 54(4), 269-275. DOI: 10.1016/j.rh.2020.05.003
  • Stam, H. J., Stucki, G., Bickenbach, J., & European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (2020). Covid-19 and Post Intensive Care Syndrome: A Call for Action. Journal of rehabilitation medicine52(4), jrm00044. DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2677
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M., Pla, A., & Cervantes, D. H. (2020). Comparative Clinical Outcomes After Intra-articular Injection With Adipose-Derived Cultured Stem Cells or Noncultured Stromal Vascular Fraction for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: Letter to the Editor. The American journal of sports medicine48(2), NP19. DOI: 10.1177/0363546519895249
  • Avellanet, M., Boada-Pladellorens, A., Perrot, J. C., Loro, L., Rodrigo Cansado, L., Monterde, D., Romagosa, J., & Gea, E. (2020). Comparative Study of Postural Garment Versus Exercises for Patients With Nonspecific Cervical Pain: Protocol for a Randomized Crossover Trial. JMIR research protocols9(4), e14807. DOI: 10.2196/14807
  • De Miguel, C., Rius, A., Avellanet, M., Gea, E & García Cuyàs, F. (2020).  Estandardización del diagnóstico y plan de cuidados enfermero ante el “Riesgo del síndrome de la fragilidad del anciano”. Rev. Ene Enfermería, 14(2): 1-21. Available to:



  • De Miguel, C., Rius-Soler, A., Avellanet, M., Martinez-Roldan, J & Garcia Cuyàs, F (2018). Reingeniería de Procesos Asistenciales en torno al Diccionario Clínico: estandarización de procesos de enfermería. Àgora d’infermeria, 22:24-32. Available to:
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A & Avellanet, M. (2018). How to assess the level of dependency in an integrated health care system. The andorran experience. J Int Soc Phys Rehabil Med;1(2):61-64. Disponible a
  • Avellanet, M., Mena, A & Aisa-Pardo, E. (2018). The design of a population register on cerebral palsy: its application and analysis in Andorra and Navarre. Rev Neurol; 67(5): 168-174. Available to:
  • De Miguel, C., Avellanet, M & Garcia Cuyas, F. (2018). Reenginyeria Digital d’un Pla de Cures d’Infermeria. 8enes Jornades R+D+I TIC Salut i Social, Universitat de Vic, setembre 27 -28
  • Avellanet, M., Aisa-Pardo, E & Mena, A. (2018). Development of a cerebral palsy register in a small area. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Paris, July 8-12
  • Boada-Pladellorens, A., Avellanet, M & Oliver, A. (2018). Stemcells in musculoskeletal disorders. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Paris, July 8-12
  • Avellanet, M., Boada-Pladellorens, A., Perrot, JC., Loro, L., Monterde, D & Romagosa, J. (2018). A comparative study of postural garment versus exercises for patients with non-specific cervical pain: a randomised clinical trial. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Paris, July 8-12
  • Avellanet, M., Perrot, JC., Lopez, I & Boada-Pladellorens, A. (2018). Sessió de la Societat Catalana de Rehabilitació i medicina física. Prenda de control postural Posture +. Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i Balears. Barcelona, 24 d’abril 2018. Sessió clínica
  • Ros, M. (2018). Disfàgia. Butlletí UdA, 135. Available to:


  • De Miguel, C., Avellanet, M & Garcia, F. (2017). Salut Digital i Reenginyeria de Processos Assistencials: d’on partim, on som i a on anem? Àgora d’infermeria, 21:7072. Available to:
  • Perez, A., Gea, E., Gil, E., Perez, A & Roca, A. (2017). Third-degree atrioventricular block associated with donepezil. Eur J Clin Pharmacy, 19(5).
  • Avellanet, M & Gonzalez-Viejo, MA. (2017). People with Spinal Cord Injury in Spain. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 96(2 Suppl 1): S112-S115. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000636
  • Perrot, JC., Avellanet, M., Lopez, I & Ros, M. (2017). Impacte de la disfagia a l’HNSM. Sessió de la Societat Catalana de Rehabilitació i medicina física. Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i Balears. Barcelona, 30/05/2017. Sessió clínica.


  • Avellanet, M., Gea, E., Perrot, JC & Lopez, I. (2016). An unusual bilateral presentation of Frey’s Syndrome treated with botulinum toxin. Rehabilitación; 50(2): 129–132. DOI: 1016/j.rh.2016.01.002
  • Avellanet, M., Sala-Blanch, X., Rodrigo, L & Gonzalez-Viejo, MA. (2016).  Permanent upper trunk plexopathy after interscalene brachial plexus block. J Clin Monit Comput, 30(1):51-4. DOI: 10.1007/s10877-015-9681-z
  • Gea, E., Gil, E., Pérez F, A., Pérez R, A., Roca, A & Avellanet, M. (2016). Medicamentos huérfanos: evolución e impacto. 20 Congreso Nacional Farmaceutico. Castellón. Comunicació Escrita.
  • Roca, A., Gea, E., Gil E., Pérez F, A & Pérez R, A. (2016). Seguridad en técnicas de administración de medicamentos en pacientes con disfagia. 61 Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española Farmacia Hospitalaria. Comunicació Escrita 
  • Perrot, JC & Gabernet, A. (2016). Disfagia a l’Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell, juny. Sessió clínica.


  • Tutte, ML., Avellanet, M., Valero, O., Haro, D & Torrero, I. (2015). The association of WOMAC, HSS and isokinetic strength and fatigue of knee muscles in people with osteoarthritis following total knee replacement. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 23:61–67. DOI: 3233/IES-140565
  • Avellanet, M & Gea, E. (2015). Medicaments orfes i malalties rares. Prevalença a Andorra. Part II: Impacte economic. Butlletí UdA
  • Gea, E & Avellanet, M. (2015). Medicaments orfes i malalties rares. Prevalença a Andorra. Part I: característiques. De què parlem. Butlletí UDA. 106 (2). Available to:
  • Gea, E & Avellanet, M. (2015). Classificació internacional de funcionalitat (OMS). Grup de Recerca en Sarcopènia, fragilitat i dependencia. Hospital de Mataró. Comunicació oral.


  • Gea, E., Avellanet, M., Estrada, J & Medina, M. (2014). Pharmacoepidemiology: Abordaje de la patología infecciosa respiratoria en urgencias pediátricas hospitalarias. 59 Congrès de la Sociedad Española de Farmàcia Hospitalària. Comunicació Escrita.


  • Gea, E., Gil, E., Barral, N., González, V., Soler, A & Avellanet, M. (2012). Pharmacoepidemiology: Orphan drugs and rare diseases in Andorra. Pharmacy, Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell, Andorra. European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Comunicació Escrita.
  • Gea, E., Avellanet, M., Estrada J & Medina, M. (2012). Pharmacoepidemiology: Management of urinary tract infection in a pediatric emergency department. European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Comunicació Escrita.


  • Gea, E., Avellanet, M., Medina, M & Santamaria, V. (2009). Pharmacoepidemiology: Antibiotic prescription in a pediatric emergency department. European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy. Comunicació escrita.