Bachelor of Business Administration
The bachelor in Business administration trains versatile professionals and provides them with a solid base of knowledge and skills to develop activities related to business management in numerous functional areas of a company or public entity, as well as to undertake its own business.
The training provides a wide knowledge of the various areas of the company: accounting, fiscal, financial, commercial, human resources, etc. In addition, it also provides future graduates with skills related to communication in Catalan and English language, to teamwork, to project organization and management and allows them to have a high degree of autonomy and adaptability to changes to be able to act following innovative and quality criteria according to ethical values.
The Bachelor of Business Administration is evaluated and accredited by the AQUA (Andorran Agency for the Quality of Higher Education), which ensures its quality and European recognition. Students who pass these courses can obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration, a state qualification issued by the Andorran Government.
Distinctive Features
new educational model of the UdA, based on a competence-based methodology that eliminates the classic concept of subjects.
Study programme adapted to the It can be studied in on-campus or online format, allowing the students to combine their studies with other professional activities.Students can choose from a wide range of optional and free-elective credits to define their own teaching pathways, focusing on accounting, financial, commercial or tourist management.
A large number of agreements with companies in the country to guarantee the internships that can be completed during the fifth semester.
Top-level professionals from the business fabric that enrich the teaching and connect the students with the professional world.
It includes 30 credits in English to reinforce the student’s communicative skills in this language and to encourage international mobility.
The employment rate of graduates in Business Administration at the UdA is almost 100% (according to the labour market outcomes study conducted by AQUA).
European level:
EHEA’s first cycle
on-campus or online
Credit load:
180 European credits
6 semesters
Catalan and some credits in English
from September to June
Lorena Jordana Carmona (
The bachelor curriculum in Business administration leads to a state-wide degree that includes 180 European credits in three academic years at full-time and with a structure of 6 semesters of 30 credits each one, divided in modules. One European credit is 30 hours of work. The 180 credits are distributed as follows:
- 150 compulsory credits. From which 30 credits are given in English as a teaching language in the fourth semester.
- 30 elective credits that must be attended in the fifth semester.
To promote academic mobility, during the fifth semester it can be done an international internship to strengthen, amongst other things, the linguistic competencies.
On the other hand, the 30 elective credits encourage the knowledge transversality and stimulate the scientific interdisciplinarity, thus responding to a group of complementary skills of growing demand in the labour market. Moreover, it allows that students could determine their own formative itinerary.
1 | M1: COMPANY GROUNDS | Compulsory | 15 | ||||
M2: BUSINESS ORGANIZATION | Compulsory | 15 | |||||
2 | M3: ECONOMIC AND ACCOUNTING GROUNDS | Compulsory | 15 | ||||
M4: ECONOMIC ANALYSIS | Compulsory | 15 | |||||
3 | M5: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES | Compulsory | 15 | ||||
M6: ACCOUNTING AND FISCAL MANAGEMENT | Compulsory | 15 | |||||
4 | M7: BUSINESS DEPARTMENTS (taught in English) | Compulsory | 15 | ||||
M8: COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT TOOLS (taught in English) | Compulsory | 15 | |||||
5 | ACADEMIC AND/OR PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY | Optional/Elective | 30 | ||||
6 | M9: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT | Compulsory | 15 | ||||
M10: BACHELOR’S THESIS | Compulsory | 15 | |||||
TOTAL: | 180 |
Applicants must hold one of the following qualifications:
- Andorran high school diploma
- Andorran Advanced Professional Diploma
- Access test to higher education for people aged over 25
Or an equivalent qualification, recognised by Government of Andorra.
Students who obtain the Bachelor of Business Administration at the University of Andorra will be able to obtain the following competences, among others:
- To plan accounting activities.
- To manage financial resources.
- To plan and apply commercial and marketing initiatives.
- To apply quality and innovation in the company’s processes and activities.
- Undertake new business activities from a perspective of sustainable balance.
- To perform audits and technical consultancy.
- To manage international business activities.
- Apply the main cost models in business management.
- To use the mathematical and statistical fundamentals within the field of the company.
- Apply the concepts and techniques of economic theory.
- Participate in the various tax procedures of the Andorran tax system.
This Bachelor concentrates the optional and free-elective credits into the fifth semester. This facilitates full-time internships within companies and also international mobility.
The UdA has a wide range of agreements with Andorran companies in which to complete the internships, which are optional. Moreover, during the fifth semester students have the possibility to complete an educational or academic internship abroad with the aim of reinforcing their linguistic competences.
Director of the College of Business and Technology: Josep Fortó Areny
Coordinator: Lorena Jordana Carmona (
The degree has a broad representation of professionals from the highest level of the Andorran business fabric, who, together with the more academic lecturers, enrich the teaching through their experience and devotion to the business world.
The list of lecturers of the Bachelor can be viewed in the teaching plans of each of the subjects, which have links on the study programme list.
In addition, the Directory of the University of Andorra enables students to search for and access the contact information on the UdA’s teaching, technical and administrative staff.
The bachelor in Business administration offers a wide range of career opportunities linked to the management of the various functional areas of a company. Specifically, people with this degree could develop their professional activity as a technique in the field or departments of:
- Accounting
- Taxation
- Finance
- Marketing, commercial and market research
- Operations and Logistics
- Production
- Human Resources
This degree also allows to acquire the needed competences to access to job positions in financial institutions or audit or consulting companies, as well as to establish as freelancer or undertake an own business.
This bachelor provides access to second cycle studies (master’s degrees) in the countries in the European Higher Education Area.
Study programme publication (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra):
Andorran Agency for the Quality of Higher Education accreditation: