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Faculty Mobility

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International mobility for UdA’s Faculty

Taching and reserach staff as well as technical and administrative staff of the UdA can apply for an international mobility to enrich their professional knowledge and experience. Applicants should first check the list of partner universities with  which the UdA has signed a mobility agreement, and contact the International Programmes Service.

In order to formally apply for an international exchange, applicants also need to complete the Application form and add the following annexes:

  • Annex 1 Project summary
  • Annex 2 Acceptance letter (optional)
  • Annex 3 Agreement with the UdA’s grants regulation (in Catalan)


Documents related to the mobility grants for the faculty published annually:

  Normativa sobre els ajuts a la mobilitat per a personal (in Catalan)

  Convocatòria dels ajuts a la mobilitat per a personal (in Catalan)


Other mobility grants:

  • DRAC  Xarxa Vives (in Catalan)



How to apply for a mobility at the UdA

Faculty members of other universities should check if there is an already existing mobility agreement with the UdA. The application can be done by completing and sending the Application Form for incoming faculty.

Additionally, the UdA can host international faculty exchanges from other universities within the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats by applying for a DRAC grant.

For more info, please contact: International Programmes Service.

Postdoctoral Stay of Dr. Anna Solé-Llussà from the University of Lleida (UdL) at the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Education (GRIE) of the University of Andorra (UdA) to carry out her research project titled “Heritage Education in Initial Teacher Training” (2022).


During the 2020-2021 academic year, the doctoral candidate, Alexandra Pascual i García (University of Lleida) undertook a three-month stay at the University of Andorra to study how safe and effective hydration is addressed for institutionalized elderly people in Andorra and the issues of dysphagia.


Rosa Benabarre, graduada en Educació primària i màster en Psicopedagogia per la Universitat de Lleida (UdL), com a doctoranda, el curs 2018-2019 va fer una estada internacional de tres mesos a la Universitat d’Andorra (UdA):
