The main objectives of the University of Andorra Gender Equality Plan (2022-2025), which was approved in January 2022, are to foster a culture of equal opportunities between men and women within the institution, to prevent any conduct that could lead to gender discrimination, and to promote teaching and research from a gender perspective.
This initiative, which was launched in May 2020, is based on the conviction that the principle of equality is a basic pillar of society and that, despite the advances that have been made towards making equal rights an effective reality, inequalities and discrimination still persist in the world we live in and, therefore, there is still a long way to go to achieve true equality between men and women.
As a university initiative, moreover, the Plan takes into account the UdA’s social responsibility for disseminating values to the new generations. The actions established in the Plan are aimed at the entire university community, but with the aim of going beyond that specific community to raise awareness among Andorran society as a whole.
The document includes a diagnosis of the situation of the UdA as regards gender equality. The diagnosis is structured into 6 areas:
- Culture and organisational management
- Academic activity: education and teaching
- Communication, image and language
- Presence and representation of women and men
- Working conditions, work/life balance, access to work and promotion
- Prevention of inequalities and harassment
Based on analysis of this diagnosis, the Gender Equality Plan sets out 32 actions to be implemented over the 2022-2025 period. These actions have been divided into five main themes:
- Implementation
- Awareness-raising
- Review of processes
- Prevention
- Gender perspective in teaching and research
Documents derived from the Gender Equality Plan
- Inclusive Language Guide of the University of Andorra (March 2023) (in Catalan)
- Equality Plan Tracking Report (June 2023) (in Catalan)
- Guides for university teaching with a gender perspective (Vives University Network) (in Catalan)
- Multilingual criteria for drafting egalitarian texts (Vives University Network, 2018) (in Catalan)
- Biographical dictionary of women (Vives University Network, 2010) (in Catalan)
- General framework for incorporating the gender perspective in university teaching (AQU Catalunya, 2018) (in Catalan)
- The gender perspective in teaching and research in the Vives University Network (Vives University Network, 2021) (in Catalan)
- Gender Equality in Academia and Research (European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016)
Andorran law and other useful links
Law 6/2022, of March 31, on the effective application of equal treatment and non-discrimination between women and men
Law 13/2019, of February 15, on equal treatment and non-discrimination