Developed projects
1. PROJECT. The cabinet of the Seven Keys
- Develop an open educational resource for the university students so they can improve their digital skills and create their Personal Learning Environment (PLE).
- Analysis the available resources to improve digital competences. Definition of the seven digital competences.
- September 2016 – January 2017. “Improving digital skills of university students through creation their Personal Learning Environments”. Research Master Project in Education and ICT (e-learning) UOC U Carles Porté. Video presentation
- January 2017- June 2017. Validation and improvement of the open educational resource “The cabinet of the Seven Keys”
2. PROJECT. terMITes: learning curve and values
Beyond testing the sensors developed by MIT, the GRIE research group intends to investigate how to study the patterns of use in relation to energy consumption. That is, the use of sensors as a pedagogical tool to teach content on energy and encourage responsible habits regarding energy consumption. A study on the current values of the students and the learning curve has been promoted as a result of the exposure to this type of technology and experience.
- Design of the terMITes educational project
- Training of trainers: “Pedagogical use of sensors”
- Design, analysis and validation of the EcoterMITes survey
- Collection of data from the EcoterMITe survey (sample group and group control, twice at the beginning and at the end of the academic year)
- Designing the Electronautes website pilot, an specific web designed for children to interact with the sensors displayed in the classrooms: web encoding, web design
- Workshop with 6th grade primary school students (June 2017): “The value of sensors”. Presentation of the Electronautes website pilot, to primary school students: relationship between the mood in relation to energy consumption. The values of: temperature, humidity, pressure (climate), CO2, curtains (use of natural light), windows (temperature), proximity and movement are measured.
- Development of an official presentation of the “terMITes 2016-2017 Project “
3. PROJECT SIMUL@B: 3d simulation laboratory for the development of digital teaching competence
Design, implement and evaluate a 3D simulations laboratory for the development of the Teaching Digital Competence of the Primary and Secondary Education teachers.
Actions developed:
- Preparation of a rubric to evaluate the Digital Teaching Competition.
- Creation of a virtual 3D simulation environment for training in transversal competences at the university.
- Design and implementation of a training scenario based on simulations in a virtual 3D world to develop the Teaching Digital Competence of the teaching staff of children and first education. Project developed two academic years (2016-2017 and 2017-2018) with students of the universities: University of Lleida, Rovira i Virgili University and University of Andorra, from collaborative groups.