The University of Andorra’s Electronic Database service was launched in February 2005. This project is the result of the cooperation between the University of Andorra and the CSUC, Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia).
This is a compilation of electronic information (journals, databases and e-books) that can be viewed from any authorised point of the network of the University of Andorra. Some of this information is open to everyone.
The Electronic Database currently contains the following resources:
- 1,200 electronic books through NetLibrary: Humanities and Social Sciences.
- 140 electronic journals subscribed to Emerald: multi-disciplinary, paying particular attention to marketing, business management, engineering and library science.
- 80 free-access databases.
The University of Andorra wishes to extend the electronic resources of this database in accordance with the criteria of common interest of users from Andorra. The aim is to offer a centralised compilation of inter-disciplinary electronic information for the whole university community, researchers and Andorran professional sectors, regardless of where these people conduct their activity.
Databases subscribed to:
Ágora de Enfermería (Nursing magazine)
Emerald (multi-disciplinary)
EBSCO (Netlibrary)
International Handbook of Universities 2019
Free-access databases:
ARXIV.ORG (multi-disciplinary)
ARCA (Archive of Old Catalan Magazines) (multi-disciplinary)
Biodiversity data bank of Catalonia (biology)
ISBN (Database of books published in Spain) (bibliographical)
Ramon Llull database (multi-disciplinary)
Bibliographical database of translations of economic texts (economy)
BIBLIOPRO (medicine)
Cochrane Library (health sciences)
Miguel de Cervantes Library (doctoral theses on Hispanic languages)
LILACS (Virtual Health Library) (health sciences)
BioMed CENTRAL (biology and medicine)
BOE (Spanish Official State Gazette) (Spanish law)
Search engine for Spanish constitutional jurisprudence (law)
BOPA (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra) (law)
CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) (doctoral theses France)
ChemSpider (chemistry)
Cercabib (University of Barcelona) (multi-disciplinary)
Ciberabstracts (information sciences) (law)
COMPLUDOC (magazine articles)
CGPJ (Spanish General Council of the Judiciary) (law)
General Council of the Principality of Andorra (legal)
Higher Council of Justice of Andorra (legal)
CORDIS: EU research results (research and development in Europe)
CUB (Criteria University of Barcelona) (linguistics)
Care (nursing)
DART-Europe (doctoral theses Europe)
DataComex (statistics on external trade Spain)
DOGC (Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia) (law)
DOCUMED (Spanish medical documentation)
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) (multi-disciplinary)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (multi-disciplinary)
DRIVER (multi-disciplinary)
Educ@ment (education)
EDU-LYBRARY (education)
Ee-LiS: e-prints in library & information science (library science)
ENFISPO (nursing, physiotherapy and podology magazines)
ENOVIT (agri-food)
Érudit (social sciences)
ESPACENET (patent research)
EThOS (doctoral theses from the United Kingdom)
European Court of Human Rights (HUDOC) (law)
European Mathematical Information Services (mathematics)
EUROSTAT (European statistics)
Gazette: historical collection (law)
Getty Publications Virtual Library (fine arts)
IDEAS (economy and finances)
Index Translationum (translation)
IDESCAT (Statistical Institute of Catalonia) (statistics)
ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences) (education)
INEbase (National Statistics Institute) (Spanish statistics)
JournalTOCs: the latest journals tables of content (multi-disciplinary)
EUR-Lex (Jurisprudence of the EU) (law)
Lletra (linguistics)
MDX (Network Teaching Materials) (education)
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online (statistics)
Spanish regulations and doctrine of the economy and finance (norm@doc) (economy)
Civil Regulation (law)
Open Access theses and dissertations (open-access theses)
Open Grey (multi-disciplinary)
Opendoar (multi-disciplinary)
OpenThesis (open-access theses)
Juridical Portal of Catalonia (law)
Pumbed (medicine)
Recolecta (research)
Educational information network (education)
European Network of Information and Documentation on Latin America (REDIAL) (European doctoral theses on Latin America)
Registry of Open Access Repositories (multi-disciplinary)
Royal Society of Chemistry (chemistry)
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) (research)
Teseo (doctoral theses)
The OAIster®database (OCLC) (multi-disciplinary)
Trencadís:Local collection of regular Catalan digitised publications (multi-disciplinary)
Universal Human Rights Index Database (law)
World dataBank (statistics)
There is also access to the free-access digital databases of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (Consortium of University Libraries of Catalonia).