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DUAL – Transversalis

  /    /  DUAL – Transversalis

The DUAL-Transversalis project is part of the European cross-border territorial cooperation programme INTERREG VI-A Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA 2021-2027). This project is essential for promoting the development of the cross-border territory between these three countries, with a specific focus on strengthening cooperation between higher education institutions through dual training. This initiative is considered key as it allows addressing multiple current needs and challenges.

The main challenge of this project is to promote cross-border territorial cohesion. This cohesion in the cross-border space is important because it directly affects the economic, social and educational integration of cross-border regions, addressing the barriers that limit collaboration and joint development. Additionally, promoting dual training allows responding to the growing demand for qualified professionals in a globalized environment, while also favoring the reduction of socio-economic disparities between the geographical areas involved.

The overall objective of the project is to establish a common framework for cross-border dual training that responds to the needs of students, higher education institutions, businesses and regions. Through the development of the project, it is intended to promote professional integration, increase the attractiveness of the territory and boost socio-economic development. This will be achieved through the creation of a cross-border dual training space that will integrate the experiences and resources of the participating higher education institutions.

The project aims to transform the way cross-border dual training practices are perceived and implemented. Through collaboration between the professional sector and educational institutions, it seeks to overcome some of the current obstacles, such as the recognition of qualifications, lack of coordination, and regulatory differences, by establishing protocols and agreements that facilitate the implementation of this training modality across the entire territory.

The expected results cover various areas. On one hand, mutual recognition of qualifications and certifications is sought, promoting labour and academic mobility. Similarly, it is expected to facilitate the signing of agreements and conventions that allow for effective implementation of the dual training contract, eliminating administrative and legal barriers. Finally, it is also envisaged the creation of a cross-border platform that centralises information on dual training, facilitating access for students, businesses and other interested parties.

Project partners:


  • University of Perpignan Via Domitia – UPVD
  • University of Toulouse 3 Jean Jaurès – UTJJ
  • University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier – UTPS


  • University of Girona – UdG
  • University of Lleida – UdL
  • University of Zaragoza – UdZ
  • Institute of Machine Tools – IMH


  • University of Andorra – UdA


FEDER aid granted: 1.253.788,5
Self-financing: 746.030,25
Project total: 1.999.818,75
% of FEDER funding (requested – granted): 62,69%

As it cannot be the beneficiary of these funds, UdA self-finances its participation and has additional support granted by the Government of Andorra for European projects POCTEFA amounting to 8.562,61 €.


From 9/11/2023 to 9/11/2026

University of Andorra members:

  • Bárbara Cerrato
  • Josep Fortó
  • Sònia Gili
  • Rosa M. Mariño

