SDG 2 – Zero hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
- The UdA Solidarity committee works with the Càritas Andorrana Food Bank to promote food drives among the university community.
- With the aim of reducing social inequalities, university students have access to the Government of Andorra’s study grants as well as the mobility and research grants offered by the UdA, which are also opened to staff. Similarly, the university provides special payment conditions for students with financial difficulties and reductions on tuition fees for large families and for single parent families.
- The University of Andorra has agreements with different universities to promote the virtual mobility and have the willingness to reduce its cost and making mobility more universal. Internationalisation at home actions are also promoted, such as semesters taught in English or the Buddy Programme, to ensure that internationalisation reaches all the students.
- The UdA offers open access content and publications (Open Science), to make them accessible to everyone. It also uses free institutional software (Open Source) and of many applications for teaching and research to promote an accessible software to everyone.