SDG 4 – Quality education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- Teaching and learning are the main strategic raisons d’être of the University of Andorra and, accordingly, the institution contributes directly to the education of Andorran society. As established in its statement of values, the UdA seeks to provide education of quality and excellence based on personalised student guidance, inclusion, rigour, transparency, sustainability, diversity and democracy.
- The UdA’s Quality Council works to guarantee quality education and the continuous improvement of higher education. The Council promotes a culture of quality among all members of the university community, establishing procedures, guidelines and quality standards for all activities, and conducting internal evaluations of the different university areas.
- The University Extension programme promotes lifelong learning through a wide range of training opportunities which reach around 1,400 people every year. The provisions include postgraduate studies and courses related to major challenges addressed by the SDGs: children’s rights, active ageing, healthy habits, language disorders, mediation, Andorran law, landscape and territory, international cooperation and volunteering, etc.
- A priority area in teaching at UdA is education, with the focus on the Bachelor’s degree in Teaching and Learning and the Master’s degree in Education. Both courses include specific competences in human rights, democratic culture and the SDGs, while the compulsory itinerary includes the subject of Democratic Culture. Intercultural Dialogue and Sustainability are also included in both pathways available to future teachers.
- The Children’s University is a university social responsibility project that promotes interest in science and supports science education among school pupils with the aim of counteracting stereotypes about scientific knowledge.
- The Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education promotes projects related to students’ competences, educational experience and learning context, and analysis of the UdA educational model, initial teacher training and the gender digital divide in the teaching of Social Sciences, among other issues. One line of research, moreover, is aimed at studying the degree of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Andorran cultural policy.
- The UdA offers open access content and publications (Open Science), to make them accessible to everyone. It also uses free institutional software (Open Source) and of many applications for teaching and research to promote an accessible software to everyone.