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  /    /  coParticiPA

coParticiPA is a European cross-border cooperation project involving partners in Spain, France and Andorra that aims to ensure people’s active participation in the network of social services and socio-educational organisations.

The project seeks to empower people through a Cross-Border Participation Project, which covers eight key areas (social services, childhood and adolescence, ageing, migration, disability, health and mental health, social exclusion and community action, and university and continuing education). coParticiPA breaks away from traditional paradigms by promoting inclusive, participatory social services, with a diverse team (researchers, professionals and service users) that puts service users at the heart of the project while transcending borders and transforming lives.

Project partners:


  • University of Barcelona (UB), led by the GRITS research group at the Social Work School
  • University of Girona (UdG)
  • CCAE
  • IDEA Foundation
  • Caritas Girona
  • iSOCIAL Foundation




  • University of Andorra (UdA) – School of Nursing
  • Andorra Research + Innovation
  • Ministry of Social Affairs
  • Clara Rabassa Nursing Home


€2,008,578.72, €1,206,381.19 of which comes from the FEDER fund


01/11/2023 until 01/11/2026


University of Andorra coordinator: Sara Esqué

University of Andorra teaching staff: Montserrat Aldomà and Ruben Coelho


The coParticiPA project comes within the scope of the specific goal to promote the socio-economic inclusion of marginalised communities, low-income families and disadvantaged groups, including people with special needs. The initiative involves the development of integrated action that covers both housing and social services. The general aim of the project is to promote people’s integration into social services and socio-educational and community action organisations, through the creation, implementation and evaluation of a Cross-Border Participation Programme. This programme is designed based on each territory’s specific needs. (Final decision acceptance of projects 1st call)