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Grant for researchers studying at the University of Andorra

National and international public call for doctoral students interested in receiving grants for research assigned to the  Research of the University of Andorra

The action programmes for the promotion of research, included in the General Research Plan of the University of Andorra, are aimed at the consolidation of research at the University of Andorra. These programmes foresee the creation of an internal programme of pre-doctoral grants for people who want to link the research work of their doctoral thesis within one of the projects of the research groups and the lines of research of the University.

Following the principles of academic, scientific, managerial, administrative and financial autonomy of the University of Andorra, included in article 3 of Law 15/2018, of July 18, of the University of Andorra (BOPA No. 44,, 13/7 2018) and in article 1.2 of the Statutes of the University of Andorra (BOPA No. 26, 13/03/2019), it is proposed the granting of a grant for research personnel in training assigned to one of the Research Groups of the University of Andorra: Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Research Group on Languages, Research Group on Health Sciences and Health Services, Research Group on Financial Economics and Research Group on Technology.

The aid is granted in accordance with the principles of publicity, concurrence and objectivity.

The grant is called for both national and international, and preference will be given to national applications in accordance with the rules of this call.

Grant Announcement

By agreement of the Academic Board dated March 1, 2022 and the proposal of the Research and Doctoral Commission of the University of Andorra, the University of Andorra would like to announce a grant for researchers studying at the University of Andorra in areas of research related to the fields of study to one of the Research Groups  of the University of Andorra: Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Research Group on Languages, Research Group on Health Sciences and Health Services, Research Group on Financial Economics and Research Group on Technology.

Grant Description

The grantee is expected to complete the doctoral programme at the University of Andorra (UdA).

  1. Object of the grant. The object of the grant is the accomplishment of a doctoral thesis within the framework of the doctoral programme of the University of Andorra, in a topic related to one of the Research groups of the University of Andorra: Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Research Group on Languages, Research Group on Health Sciences and Health Services, Research Group on Financial Economics and Research Group on Technology. The dedication of the student to the doctoral programme and the research group is onsite at the University of Andorra and at full time (40 hours a week).
  2. Amount. The monthly amount of the grant is €1,250 during ten months per year, and it also includes the cost of enrolment in the doctoral programme (maximum amount of €1,500 per academic year).

In the case of budgetary extensions, the amounts of the grant will be conditional on the availability of the budget extended in dozens.

This grant is exempt from the IRPF tax (article 1 of the Regulation for the application of Law 5/2014, of April 24, on Income Tax of Natural Persons).

  1. Duration. The grant is awarded for an initial period of 10 months (from September 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, it will not be paid during the months of July and August of each year). It is renewable in accordance to budget availability of the University of Andorra and the conditions established in this call.
  1. Renewal. The renewal of the aid is not automatic. For the renewal to be effective, the student must prove the level of Catalan language, has to pass the monitoring of the activities of the UdA doctoral programme and pass the evaluation of the research activity carried out within the framework of the Research Groups of the If the student passes the evaluation, the Research and Doctorate Committee of the University of Andorra may propose to the Academic Board the renewal of the grant with the same conditions, for a period of ten more months or for a shorter period if the achievement of the doctoral degree is expected in less than ten months. The aid can be renewed three times at most (the aid may have a maximum duration of 40 monthly payments, which includes the initial duration and renewals). When the student completes the doctoral programme of the UdA and obtains his/her PhD, he/she cannot request the renewal of the aid.
  1. Incompatibility. The granting of the aid is incompatible with:
    • Any other type of aid granted with the same object (completion of the doctoral thesis), whether it comes from public or private entities, national or international, with the exception of the aid that the student can receive in concepts of travel, accommodation, short-term stays abroad for research or attending meetings or scientific conferences.
    • Any professional activity that diminishes exclusiveness to the doctoral research.
    • Any income received in terms of salary or similar income and that it is not derived from educational tasks, or publications associated with the investigation of the doctoral thesis, in the latter case, as long as it is not habitual or interrupts the development of the thesis project that is the subject of the grant. The beneficiaries must inform the University of Andorra of any other help or compensation received. In any case, the beneficiaries are subject to the Regulations for the procedure for the concession and control of subsidies and public transfers (BOPA No. 38 of July 19, 2000).
    • Being in possession of a PhD degree. If the student obtains a PhD degree, from that moment on, he/she will automatically lose the aid, even if the duration of the aid or its renewal had been established for a longer period.
  1. Payments. The grantee’s payments will be transferred to an account from one of the Banks of the Principality of Andorra, of which the grantee must be a beneficiary. The first monthly payment of the grant will be subject to the enrolment in the doctoral programme. Monthly payments will be made at the end of the ongoing month. No aid will be paid during the non-academic period, which includes the months of July and August.
Requirements of the candidate:
  • For the national applications: Andorran nacionality or legal and effective residence in Andorra
  • For the international applications: to be in position to obtain the legal residence in Andorra.
  • The candidate must possess English language competency.
  • The candidate must not possess any doctoral degree.
  • The candidate must possess a degree which grants him/her access to the UdA doctoral programme (7th level of the Andorran Framework of Qualifications, MAQ 7) at the time of submitting the application for the grant.
  • The candidate must be admitted to the UdA doctoral programme.
  • The candidate must be able to enrol in the UdA doctoral programme at the time of acceptance.
  • The candidate must present a research project within one of the areas of the Research Groups of the University of Andorra: Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Research Group on Languages, Research Group on Health Sciences and Health Services, Research Group on Financial Economics and Research Group on Technology.
  1. Curriculum
  2. Degree related from any of the areas of the research groups.
  3. Other languages.
  4. Capacity to work in a group.
Deadline for the call for applications

Grant applications must be presented to UdA (Plaça de la Germandat, 7 – AD600 Sant Julià de Lòria – Principat d’Andorra) before June 3, 2022 at 13.00 and must be delivered in a sealed envelope with the name of the applicant and reference to the grant for which he/she is applying, along with the following documentation:

  1. A copy of the applicant’s passport or document of identification.
  2. Certified copy of the residence permit.
  3. The applicant’s curriculum vitae.
  4. Certified copy of the documentation certifying the degree required in the call as well as the merits that may be claimed.
  5. Letter of motivation to take part in the call.
  6. Explanation of the proposed thesis (3,000 words).
  7. Terms of the call, signed on each page, and on the last page, by the applicant.
  8. Affidavit or promise that the candidate has no debts with the public Administration or is exempt from it, according to the normalized model available at:
  9. Any other document that the candidate may consider necessary.

The University of Andorra may require, at any time, the original of the documents provided, to verify their authenticity, as well as the recognition of official degrees in Andorra.

Selection Process

Once the application period has closed and the applications have been reviewed, candidates will be called for interviews, which will be evaluated by a selection committee. This selection committee will make its decision based on the candidates’ merits, capacity, and suitability. The committee will be formed by three doctors. The committee will be chaired by a doctor from the UdA.

Priority will be given to national applications. In the event that the selection process for national candidacies is deserted, international applications will be evaluated by the same selection process and criteria as above.

Selection criteria

The selection committee will evaluate the applications according to the following criteria:

  • Merits (30 points). The candidate’s curriculum and any aspect that certifies the candidate’s capacities to develop the doctoral thesis will be taken into account.
  • Explanation of the proposed thesis (30 points).
  • Interview with the selection committee (30 points). In the interview, the candidate will have to defend his/her candidacy.
  • Interest for Andorra (10 points). The direct utility of the doctoral thesis for Andorra will be The links and collaborations that the thesis can generate with actors from Andorra will also be considered.

To pass the selection process, the candidate must obtain a minimum score of 50 points. The grant will be awarded to the candidate with the best score in the selection process.

The call will be declared void in the event that none of the candidates passes the selection process.

All the candidates who have taken part in the selection process will be informed of the result.


Within thirty days from the notification of the final award of the grant, the selected person will have to sign a contract with the University of Andorra. The contract will compile the obligations of the two parties in accordance with the terms of the call. If the selected person does not sign the contract within the aforementioned period, it is understood that he/she tacitly waives the aid.

Obligations of the selected candidate
  1. Obtain the legal and effective residence permit in Andorra within two months from the date of award of the grant.
  2. Completion of the UdA doctoral programme, respecting the terms and complying with the established requirements, while the person concerned receives the aid.
  3. Follow the doctoral program of the UdA, respecting the deadlines and complying with the established requirements.
  4. Achieve the minimum level of Catalan, when renewing the grant.
    • Minimum level of Catalan equivalent to A1 (CEFRL) to be eligible for the first renewal of the grant.
    • Minimum level of Catalan equivalent to A2 (CEFRL) to be eligible for the first renewal of the grant.
    • Minimum level of Catalan equivalent to B1 (CEFRL) to be eligible for the first renewal of the grant.
  5. Informing the Research and Doctoral Commission of any change or modification that may rise during the process of completing the doctoral programme. In this case, the change or modification must be approved by the Commission beforehand.
  6. Reporting and justifying any absences at the university, as well as attendance at conferences and other events.
  7. To include, in any publication or other dissemination arising from the thesis, that the selected candidate has received a grant from the UdA, using the following model:
    • Catalan: “(Name and surname of the student) agraeix l’ajut per a investigador/a en formació de la Universitat d’Andorra, AD02 – UdA- 2022/2026”
    • English: “(Name and surname of the student) acknowledges a trainee researcher at the University of Andorra, AD02 – UdA-2022/2026”
    • Spanish: “(Name and surname of the student) agradece la ayuda para investigador/a en formación de la Universidad de Andorra, AD02 – UdA- 2022/2026”
    • French: “( Name and surname of the student) remercie l’aide de stagiaire chercheur à l’Université d’Andorre, AD02 – UdA-2022/2026″.
  8. Participation in the meetings, conferences, and other collaboration events at the UdA, with the aim of presenting the research activities carried out within the framework of the doctoral thesis.
  9. Accepting the dissemination of the candidate’s work, abstracts of scientific publications, and other documents, via the UdA’s website, as long as this is not incompatible with the usage of the intellectual property of the candidate’s research results.
  10. Having a personal insurance for illness and accidents throughout the grant period. The UdA may request a proof of maintenance and payment of such insurance.
  11. The candidate must agree to follow the training assigned by the UdA to improve his/her work.
  12. Communicating the address of the candidate’s place of residence and any change in the contact information.
  13. The candidate must carry out the commanded teaching support tasks.
  14. The candidate must perform all those entrusted tasks related to research activities.
Termination and rescindment of the grant

The University of Andorra, at any time, can perform verification checks on the follow-up of the activity carried out by the beneficiary. In the event that the beneficiary of the aid fails to comply with the obligations established in these terms, the aid will be rescinded and revoked.

This grant may be rescinded for the following reasons:

  1. End of the grant period.
  2. Failure to comply with the obligations of the selected candidate for the grant.
  3. The unexpected impossibility, legal or material, of complying with the conditions of the grant.
  4. The existence of incompatibilities.
  5. Mutual agreement between both parties.
  6. Other legally established causes.

In the event that the selected candidate does not comply with the stipulated conditions, abandons or does not begin the studies, maintains some incompatibility as indicated in the “Requirements” of these rules, or in the case of some unexpected impossibility, legal or material, the candidate must return the grant in full or in part, depending on the case.

Information on the processing of personal data

In accordance with Qualified Law 15/2003, of 18 December, on the protection of personal data, candidates who sign these rules and regulations and agree to take part in the process for the award of the aid are informed that their personal data will be included on personal data files owned by the University of Andorra, and that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation dated 23-04-2021, governing the personal data files of the University of Andorra (BOPA no. 48 of 28 April 2021).

The University of Andorra will process the personal data provided in order to include the candidate in this selection process, which is conducted in accordance with the current rules and regulations, under which the candidate submits his or her candidature to be eligible for the aforementioned aid.

The University of Andorra further informs all interested parties that, to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding their personal data, as recognised by Qualified Law 15/2003, of 18 December, on the protection of personal data, they should send signed, written notification to email address, attaching a copy of their passport or other official document that identifies them.

Moreover – and particularly if the person concerned feels that they have not obtained full satisfaction in the exercise of their rights – interested parties may lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority. In the case of Andorra, this is the Agency for the Protection of Data of Andorra (Agència de Protecció de Dades d’Andorra), located in the Consell General government building, with the following address: C/ Doctor Vilanova, 15-17 (Planta -5) AD500, Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra. The Agency’s telephone number is +376 808 115 and its email address is

In accordance with the provisions of Article 124 of the revised text of the Administrative Code of 29 March 1989, published under the Legislative Decree of 3 July 2019, an administrative appeal may be lodged against the rules and regulations before the University Council of the University of Andorra within one month from the day the interested party submits their application. In accordance with articles 50 and 129 of this Administrative Code, filing an appeal does not entail suspension of the execution of the act contested.

Information at the BOPA (Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra)

Last update: 10 March 2022