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  /  General   /  UdA temporarily suspends on-campus activities

UdA temporarily suspends on-campus activities


In order to avoid the spread of Covid-19 and to protect the most vulnerable populations, and in accordance with the measures agreed upon by the Andorran Government, we inform the university community that from Monday, 16 March, the University of Andorra’s campus will be temporarily closed until further notice. Consequently, on-site activities will not be carried while the campus is closed.

With the fundamental objective of following the academic calendar as closely as possible, teaching and class assessments will be flexible, and exceptional measures will be taken so that all official study programmes can be followed in an online format. Online lifelong learning courses are maintained in virtual mode, whereas on-campus lifelong learning courses will be temporarily postponed.

Measures for official studies

Online studies are not affected (except for the suspension of clinical and business internships that cannot be carried out via telework). Therefore, the following official degrees continue as usual in their online format:

On-campus official studies:
  • Advanced Professional Diploma in Administration and Finance: A virtual classroom with videoconferencing abilities is enabled for first-year students and internships for second-year students are cancelled. Contact: Lorena Jordana []
  • Bachelor of Business Administration: All students will follow the existing online format, substituting in-person advising sessions with virtual sessions. Virtual classrooms with videoconferencing abilities are enabled. In addition, internships that cannot be done through telework are suspended. Contact: Lorena Jordana []
  • Bachelor of Computer Science: All students will follow the existing online format, substituting in-person advising sessions with virtual sessions. Virtual classrooms with videoconferencing abilities are enabled. In addition, internships that cannot be done through telework are suspended. Contact: Montse Pellicer []
  • Bachelor of Teaching and Learning: Three virtual classrooms with videoconferencing abilities, one for each year, are enabled, and all internships are cancelled. Contact: Alexandra Saz []
  • Bachelor of Nursing: All clinical internships are suspended and the remaining academic activities are postponed. Contact: Àngels Jiménez []
  • Doctorate: The programme continues in its usual format, but dissertation defenses are postponed. Contact: Virginia Larraz []

Measures for lifelong learning courses

  • Online lifelong learning programmes are unchanged (see annex).
  • On-site courses are temporarily suspended, except for the Llengua i cultura xineses courses and the postgrau en Fiscalitat, which are maintained in online format with videoconference (see annex).
  • Lifelong learning courses with a scheduled start date during the university’s closure are cancelled or postponed (see annex). Contact: []

Measures for the higher education access course for people over 25

  • A virtual classroom with videoconferencing is enabled. Contact: Cristina Fernández []

Measures for University of Andorra personnel

All faculty of the university will be available by videoconference during class hours, and both faculty and administrative staff will carry out their tasks via telework during their working hours. Services to the public via telephone will be offered Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm.

On the other hand, at the request of the Ministry of Health, some faculty and students from the School of Nursing will support the health system of Andorra in order to face the current health crisis, and these faculty will therefore not have the same availability.




On-campus lifelong learning courses that will be taught online via videoconference:
  • Postgrau en Direcció bancària
  • Postgrau en Fiscalitat
  • Cursos de Llengua i cultura xineses (all levels)
On-campus lifelong learning courses that are temporarily suspended:
  • Curs Aula Magna 2019-2020
  • Curs d’actualització en Aspectes legals, marc legislatiu i mapa de recursos a Andorra
  • Curs d’actualització en Català jurídic i administratiu
  • Curs d’actualització en Llengua i cultura portugueses (all levels)
On-campus lifelong learning courses that are cancelled:
  • Dissenyant organitzacions que aportin avantatges competitius (CPP 2020)
  • El comportament actual del consumidor del sector ‘retail’: reptes i oportunitats (CPP 2020)
  • Curs teòric-pràctic en Disfàgia orofaríngia. De la teoria al cas clínic (CPP 2020)
  • Rubikids: Ludifiquem les matemàtiques a través del Joc de Rubik (CPP 2020)
  • Gestió de la compensació: retribució, beneficis i reconeixement (2a edició) (CPP 2020)
  • Conceptes bàsics del màrqueting digital (CPP 2020)
  • Design Thinking per a la resolució innovadora de problemes (CPP 2020)
  • Entrenament emocional per la construcció del benestar (CPP 2020)
  • Curs d’actualització en Ètica en la recerca
  • Seminari La Terra a l’abast de les teves mans: el joc de la Terra paral·lela
Online lifelong learning courses that are unchanged: 
  • Curs de Constitució i altres fonts del dret d’Andorra
  • Curs de Didàctica de la llengua catalana
  • Curs de Dret administratiu d’Andorra
  • Curs de Dret civil d’Andorra II
  • Curs de Dret laboral i dret de la seguretat social
  • Curs de Fiscalitat d’Andorra
  • Curs de Patrimoni cultural d’Andorra
  • Assignatures i cursos del programa Aula Lliure


Date of publication: 13 March 2020
Last update: 24 March 2020