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Economic information

  /    /  Economic information

The management of the University of Andorra’s economic resources involves the translation of the volume of activity it performs in accordance with the available economic resources, based on criteria of maximum efficiency and optimisation.


The income obtained by the university is partly state-funded, by means of an ongoing transfer of capital from the Government, partly from the public prices of the registrations for official qualifications and partly of private origin from the lifelong learning and university extension programmes to self-finance the associated costs.

Financial report

The financial statements are drawn up upon the basis of the auxiliary accounting records, in such a way that they offer a true image of the assets, financial situation and results of the University of Andorra.

Reports by the Court of Audit

The University of Andorra submits its annual accounts to the Tribunal de Comptes (Court of Audit), which performs the economic, financial, budgetary and quality management audit.

The annual reports are available on the website of the Court of Audit.